Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ride em' Cowgirl!

Last week Ellie and I went up to Kaysville to visit my family. When we when got there they had Lauren's horse, Sarabi, out for a ride. Lauren, my sister, took Ellie on her first horse ride without Mom. She loved it! She giggled the whole way around the arena and kept turning around to smile at her aunt Lauren. It was so cute and so fun to watch her!
I have since become Ellie's horse. I have been afraid a few times that Muriel and Lewis, my sister and brother-in-law who live right across the parking lot from us, would comment on my new gallop and horse noises. They haven't mentioned anything yet, though I'm sure they have seen me through our front windows , so either they are too embarrassed that they say me to mention it or they know that I would be embarrassed if they did mention it. Either way it makes Ellie laugh so no harm done.


Melisa said...

Yay! I love the blog and Ellie too of course she is so dang cute!!!

Lewis.Muriel.Lily said...

I am so excited that you have become an official blogger now!

Kim said...

I too am excited to have you blogging!!! Keep it up! Ellie is so cute and growing up so fast. So keep all of her cute pictures posted.

Kim said...

Hey, I have been meaning to tell you thank you for my birthday present from you and Muriel. Everyday that goes by I am so embarrsed that I have never said anything to you. And then when I see you I totally forget again. THANK YOU so much! I love that place and that lotion is my favorite! You two are the best sisters in law. Thank you for all that you do for me. Sorry for being so lame in telling you Thanks!!!!!

Unknown said...

Taylor! Hi, how are you??? I haven't seen you in years! What are you guys up to? Being parents, what else???